Jan 7Liked by Ricky Yean

I’m gonna reply in both Chinese and English haha 😂 终于看了大名鼎鼎的past lives,和我想像中的浪漫爱情故事不一样,这部电影更深层探讨的是third culture kid对于文化归属感和身份认同感的话题。第一次接触third culture kid是在马来西亚出差的时候,那时候认识了很多跟着家人生活在马来西亚但来自世界各地的种族。但直到去年开始更多机会认识各种BC(america born chinese/japanese/korean/indian等等)才更加了解他们在成长过程中对于文化归属和身份认同的疑惑、纠结和痛苦。我在17-19年的时候由于频繁来回于香港内地和加拿大也短暂出现过身份认同感危机,渴望找到一个“label“定义我是谁、我属于哪里。最后我选择用“home is wherever I go“作为我的精神支柱:我有能力、有自信在世界的任何一个地方从0开展一段生活,我的所到之处就是“家”。而对于ABC来说,在移民之前的“家”和“文化”是他们不可割舍的人生和回忆,也许在不同的文化和身份当中曾经挣扎过,但当他们能够找到这部分的回忆和与过去的文化链接的部分后会意识到,this is part of who they are and what makes who they are today. Like what Ricky said, " that's the nostalgia, but it doesn't have to be the wistful kind, it just is what it is, and it can even be sweet."

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Jan 7Liked by Ricky Yean

Thank you Ricky- and happy New Year!

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watched Past Lives too. not quite my cup of tea, but did think of you. have a great new year.

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